Friday, August 2, 2013

Godly Body Image

Body image is never a very comfortable thing to talk about. Everyone, including the so-called most beautiful woman in the world, deals with insecurities from time to time. We think we are too short or too tall, our eyes are too far apart or too close together, or that our bodies aren’t nearly as beautiful as the ones of those standing around us.

As Christians, though, we have something to hold onto when we feel insecure. And that’s found in Genesis 1:27:

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (NIV)

It was true at the dawn of time, and it is still true today. God created you and me in His own image. Talk about amazing! The Maker of the universe didn’t just make the sun, the moon, and the stars- He made us! And God does not make ugly. The media has us convinced that if we don’t look a certain way, we should do everything in our power to become “perfect.”. But that isn’t healthy or true. If we consider our bodies ugly, that is like considering God’s handiwork ugly. And that is so wrong.

You are beautiful because God MADE you. He created every little part of you, and he doesn’t make mistakes. Ever. Bottom line, we need to be kinder to ourselves. Worrying and focusing on our imperfections will not make them go away; it won’t have any effect on our outer beauty whatsoever. On the other hand, beating ourselves up DOES affect our inner beauty- a negative attitude cannot be masked with all the makeup in the world.

So be nice to yourself. Look in the mirror and tell that girl she is beautiful.  Ask God to help you accept who He made you to be; acknowledge the fact that you need His help in changing your attitude and your perspective. You may not feel a difference right away, but I promise you will over time. And that is so beautiful.

Written by Ireland